Beef-Up With Carnivor - "The World's First Beef Protein Isolate"
It has long been known that bodybuilders and strength athletes consume high amounts of beef to help build muscle and increase strength. The muscle building power of beef cannot be disputed. Most bodybuilders will tell you that they make their biggest muscle gains and feel their strongest when they eat beef. Thanks to the development of an advanced bioengineered beef protein, MuscleMeds has formulated a highly anabolic muscle building protein. Carnivor is unlike any other protein supplement in existence.
The Muscle Building Power of Carnivor - Backed By Clinical Research+
Using advanced extraction, hydrolysis and isolation technologies, Carnivor's Beef Protein Isolate (BPI) delivers the muscle building power of beef with greater amino acid levels than other protein sources including whey, soy, milk and egg. Carnivor BPI is even 350% more concentrated in anabolic amino acids than a prime sirloin steak! Plus, the muscle building and strength increasing effects of Carnivor are backed by science. Clinical research shows that hard training male athletes supplementing with Carnivor BPI gained an average of 7.7 lbs. of muscle mass in just 8 weeks, a 6.4% average increase in lean body mass, while the placebo group only increased lean body mass by 0.7 lbs. from baseline. The study also revealed that athletes (male and female) who used Carnivor BPI increased their total combined bench press and deadlift 1-rep max by 147.7 Ibs., while the placebo group only increased total strength by 82.6 lbs. from baseline.+ These impressive findings validate the muscle and strength building effects of Carnivor.
Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology™ (ANRT) Recycles Aminos and Minimizes Ammonia
Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology is a major muscle building breakthrough in protein supplementation. While protein is critical for muscle growth, it can sometimes actually decrease performance and muscle growth if nitrogenous waste products like ammonia are not recycled back into anabolic tissue building pathways or otherwise neutralized. ANRT is specially designed to allow the recycling of aminos back toward the muscle building pathway and prevent the build-up of debilitating toxins such as ammonia. ANRT nitrogen retention factors contained in Carnivor include GKG (glutamine-alpha-ketoglutarate), OKG (ornithine-alpha-ketoglutarate), AKG (alpha-ketoglutarate) and KIC (alpha-ketoisocaproate).
Added BCAAs for Increased Anabolic and Anti-Catabolic Effects
To further boost the anabolic muscle building action of Carnivor, additional Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are added to the purified Beef Protein Isolate. The enhanced BCAA levels promote a positive nitrogen balance, increase protein synthesis, decrease catabolism improve workout performance and reduce muscle fatigue.
Informed-Choice Certified
Trusted to be clean, Carnivor is Informed-Choice Certified, tested for over 200 banned substances on the WADA list, and produced in a GMP Compliant Facility. You can be confident you are getting the highest quality product available.
+ J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Aug;32(8):2233-2242. Muscle mass data based on male subjects. Weight and strength gains compared to baseline. Results based on consuming 46 grams of beef protein daily. Female subjects also experienced an increase In lean body mass.
Carnivor BPI [гидролизованный изолят говяжьего белка, BCAA (L-лейцин, L-валин, L-изолейцин), Промежуточные продукты технологии Anabolic Nitrogen Retention Technology™: GKG (глютамин-альфа-КГ), OKG (орнитин-альфа-КГ), AKG (альфа-КГ), KIC (альфа-кетоизокапроат)], мальтодекстрин, какао, натуральные и искусственные ароматизаторы, мука из обезжиренного арахиса, смесь камеди (целлюлозная камедь, ксантановая камедь, каррагинан), пеногаситель (моно- и диэфиры пропиленгликоля жиров и жирных кислот, моноглицерид жирной кислоты, полиглицерин олеат, соевое масло RDB, диметилполисилоксан, гидрофобный диоксид кремния, полисорбат 60K, сорбитан моностеарат, менее 2% парафина), соль, диоксид кремния, ацесульфам калия и сукралоза.
Содержит Арахис
Содержит пищевые ингредиенты, которые являются продуктами биоинженерии.
Без холестерина, обезжиренное, Без сахара, без лактозы, без глютена.
Данный продукт производится на предприятиях, имеющим регистрацию GMP, и отвечает самым высоким стандартам качества. Все ингредиенты соответствуют стандартам США Управление по контролю качества пищевых продуктов и лекарственных средств США.
Для получения вкусного протеинового коктейля смешайте 1 мерную ложку Carnivor с 6-8 ж. унц. холодной воды в шейкере. При смешивании возможно образование пены. Принимать по 1-2 раза в день.
Информация о добавке | ||
Serving Size: 1 Scoop (33.5) | ||
Servings Per Container: 56 | ||
Amount Per Serving | % Daily Value | |
Calories | 110 | |
Total Fat | 0 g | 0% |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 0% |
Total Carbohydrate | 4 g | 1% |
Dietary Fiber | 2 g | 6% |
Total Sugars | 0 g | ‡ |
Protein | 23 g | 47% |
Sodium | 320 mg | 14% |
Potassium | 170 mg | 4% |
† Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. ‡ Daily Value not established. |
Muscle Building Facts Per Serving (33.5 g) | ||
Carnivor Delivers More Muscle Building Nutrient Power Than Steak! 350% More Protein! Fat Free & Cholesterol Free! | ||
Key Nutrient Content Features | Carnivor | Steak |
Protein | 23 g | 6 g |
Fat | 0 g | 7 g |
Cholesterol | 0 mg | 23 mg |
Approximate Values. Comparison based on 33.5 g of Carnivor powder vs. 33.5 g of steak. |
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