Famous for enhancing energy, vigor, stamina, libido and longevity, Cordyceps once sold for $35,000 per pound. It is now available to the masses via controlled cultivation. Classified as an adaptogen, it supports:
Cordyceps's benefits, of course, stem from its nutrients. However, nutrients from simple Cordyceps powders are difficult to absorb because they are locked in cell walls your body can't digest.
MyPure™ Cordyceps 4X uses only pure, fruiting body extracts because extraction makes the nutrients bioavailable.
Each capsule of MyPure™ Cordyceps 4X provides 300 mg of our premium, certified organic, 1:1 Cordyceps fruiting body extract, and 200 mg of our equally special, 10:1 extract. These extracts contain at least 20% beta-glucans (the powerful immune enhancing nutrients) along with the vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that make Cordyceps so special. Each capsule of MyPure™ Cordyceps 4X is at least 4 times stronger than our MyPure™ Cordyceps original, and up to 16 times stronger than Cordyceps from myceliated grain.
Every batch of MyPure™ Cordyceps 4X is laboratory tested for cleanliness, purity and potency. It contains no grain or other fillers, and no mycelia. It is the world's most potent Cordyceps supplement.
MyPure™ Cordyceps 4X: More Nutrition. Maximum Absorption. Simply Better.
Mushrooms or Mycelia?
Mushrooms or Mycelia? For thousands of years, the world's great holistic health systems have used mushrooms to build health. This tradition continues even today, with countless people using them as daily health supplements. However, most "mushroom" products are not mushrooms at all. They are mycelia.
Mushrooms are the "fruiting bodies" of fungi that appear above ground. Mycelia are subterranean, root-like structures.
The mycelia in supplements grow in plastic bags on beds of rice (or other grains). As they grow, they become part of the grain. Because there is no way to separate the mycelia from the grain, the finished product is up to 50% rice powder. Naturally, mushroom benefits stem from the nutrients they provide, and fruiting mushroom bodies provide more of them than mycelia grown on grain. In fact, fruiting body extracts typically contain:
MyPure™ Mushrooms
MyPure™ Mushrooms products are made with extracts of non-GMO, 100% Certified Organic mushroom fruiting bodies in a cGMP, FDA registered and fully audited facility. The extraction process breaks down mushroom cell walls to make the nutrients bioavailable. Every batch is laboratory tested for identity, purity and potency, as well as for beta- glucan content. MyPure™ Mushrooms are the world's finest mushroom supplements.
ГПМЦ (растительная капсула).
Грибы MyPure не содержат искусственных красителей и ароматизаторов, ГМО, сахара, сои, дрожжей, молочных продуктов, кукурузы, глютена, пшеницы, арахиса, орехов или моллюсков и подходят для вегетарианцев и веганов.
One capsule daily.
Дополнительные факты | ||
Размер порции: 1 капсула | ||
Количество на порцию | % DV | |
Органический экстракт кордицепса (1: 1) † | 300 мг | * |
Органический экстракт кордицепса (10: 1) † | 200 мг | * |
* Дневное значение (DV) не установлено. † 100% сертифицированный органический экстракт плодов целого гриба |
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